Tuesday, February 20, 2007


Wow, it's been a long time since I "blogged" here. What have I been doing, you ask? Getting a new job, that's what! Starting Monday, I will be the new receptionist for the Lampo Group, Inc. You can check out the company at www.daveramsey.com
I'd love to tell you all about how I came to get this job (and it's pretty cool, btw) but the story will have to wait for another day. Today I'm sick. Day 2 of a nasty cold. I'm a little bit worried because my right eye is running. Down my cheek as if I were crying. If I have pink eye I'm going to be really mad at the mother of the little boy in nursery this week whose eye was suspiciously pink looking....
But for now, it's 5 o'clock, I've got my jammies on, and I'm heading to bed. Good night.


Anonymous said...

Dear Ali,

Congratulations on your new line of work! You are now a P.R. person. See what all that nannying experience has brought you! One good thing, you won't have to wipe little snotty noses any more. You'll have to get those knitting fingers used to punching phone numbers and keyboards. Will you have to dress up for work?

Love, mom S.H.

Rachel said...

Congrats on your new job! We were praying for you at church this evening. You'll have to let us know how your first day goes. I hope you feel better, soon. Andy is sick too, as well as a lot of people in the church. There's something nasty floating around up here in the Frigid North (and I don't mean snowflakes . . .)

The Neeleys said...

Ali - hi! My name is Kristine and my fiancee is Cliff Neeley whom I believe you have met (he's mentioned your name a couple of times) since he's come in so many times interviewing for a position at Lampo... - just thought I'd introduce myself since I stumbled across your blog!